agrees to use its best efforts to identify one or more tradelines (as indicated in the “Tradeline Order” clause below) on behalf of Client and perform all functions necessary to have Client added to those tradelines as an “Authorized User” before the date of the first billing statement following the date of this agreement for each tradeline. It is understood and agreed by both parties that Client will maintain “Authorized User” status on those tradelines for as long as client is subscribed to the tradeline. for each tradeline after being added thereto, after which he/she will be removed therefrom. Accordingly, it is the understanding and intent of the parties that Client will maintain “Authorized User” status on each tradeline for as long as the client remains active on the subscription, and that Client will receive as many consecutive postings of each tradeline to his/her credit bureau report and this “Authorized User” status shall be reported by two (2) or more credit bureaus. The parties further understand and agree that Client will only be added to tradelines with the full advance knowledge, consent and participation of the primary account holder of the account to which that tradeline pertains. [AU_] LAB shall coordinate with the primary account holder of the account(s) (“[AU_] LAB Cardholders”) to ensure the Client is added as an authorized user. While [AU_] LAB does not have direct control over such , [AU_] LAB Cardholders are to maintain low balances on their accounts (15% or less of the total credit limit) and they are to keep the accounts in good standing with on time payments.